Sunday, August 18, 2013


丁香(学名:Syzygium aromaticum,英文名:Clove)是原产于印度尼西亚的一种香料,又指丁香属植物树上的花蕾,又名丁子香,干燥后广泛用于烹饪中,做为一种食物香料,现在已经被引种到世界各地的热带地区,目前出产丁香的地区主要有印度尼西亚、桑给巴尔和马达加斯加岛,印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡也出产丁香,2005年,印度尼西亚生产的丁香约占世界总产量的80%。



Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. Cloves are native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia and used as a spice in cuisines all over the world. Cloves are harvested primarily in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They have a numbing effect on mouth tissues.

The clove tree is an evergreen that grows to a height ranging from 8–12 m, having large leaves and sanguine flowers in numerous groups of terminal clusters. The flower buds are at first of a pale color and gradually become green, after which they develop into a bright red, when they are ready for collecting. Cloves are harvested when 1.5–2 cm long, and consist of a long calyx, terminating in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals which form a small ball in the center.

Bloomtime Range: Late Spring to Late Spring
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 to 6
AHS Heat Zone: Not defined for this plant
Light Range: Sun to Full Sun
pH Range: 5.5 to 7.5
Soil Range: Some Sand to Some Clay
Water Range: Normal to Moist 

Well, I feel pretty connected to this flower because we have the same initials in pinyin - DXH - and the song. After learning more about it, I fell in love with clove and its lilac color. I can't actually remember when or whether I've seen its plant or flower, but I'm sure I won't miss it in the future.

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