Friday, August 30, 2013

Chrysanthemum flowers

菊属(学名:Chrysanthemum)俗称菊花,别名寿客、金英、黄华、秋菊、陶菊等,是菊目菊科多年生草本植物的一个属。以品种间之自然开花期来分类,依开花期之不同将菊花区分为夏菊、夏秋菊、秋菊及寒菊。菊花是由很多小花 (florets,俗称花瓣) 组成一头状花序 (通称为花),小花有两种,一为单具有雌蕊能授精之舌状花 (ray florets),另一常具有雌雄蕊之管状花 (disk florets)。由这两种小花组成之比例、形状、大小及颜色,产生各种花型及花色,可分为单瓣菊、托盘菊、蓬蓬菊、装饰菊、标准菊等多种。依花型大小可分大、中、小轮系,依花色主要为黄、白、粉红、橙红及赤红。

Chrysanthemums, often called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. There are about 40 valid species. There are countless horticultural varieties and cultivars.

The name "chrysanthemum" is derived from the Greek words chrysos (gold) and anthemon (flower).

The plant is renowned as one of the Four Gentlemen in Chinese and East Asian art. The plant is particularly significant during the Double Ninth Festival.

Chrysanthemums are divided into two basic groups, garden hardy and exhibition. Garden hardy mums are new perennials capable of wintering in most northern latitudes. Exhibition varieties are not usually as sturdy. Garden hardies are defined by their ability to produce an abundance of small blooms with little if any mechanical assistance, such as staking, and withstanding wind and rain. Exhibition varieties, though, require staking, overwintering in a relatively dry, cool environment, and sometimes the addition of night lights.

Chrysanthemums or ‘Mums’ are a stalwart of the autumn garden. With varieties hardy in most climates and their ability to be pinched and forced to bloom at the end of the season, these jewel toned beauties make a welcome splash in the garden when most summer bloomers have begun to fade. Bloom times vary with variety and climate, from Early September through mid-October.

Latin Name: Chrysanthemum
Common Name(s): Mums, Garden Mums, Hardy Mums
Bloom Period: Late Summer / Fall

Another kind of flower I've known since my childhood. There used to be several behind the bathroom of our neighbor and we used to pick up their petals to play "Love me, Love me not". Couldn't remember the crush then did I have a crush back then. But the mums remain in my memory.

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