Sunday, September 1, 2013


鸡冠花(学名:Celosia cristata),别称鸡冠、鸡冠头花、鸡冠苋鸡花、鸡冠头、鸡髻花、鸡公花、鸡米花、鸡骨子花、鸡角枪、白鸡冠花、红鸡冠花、 红鸡冠、大鸡公苋、海冠花、家鸡冠花、塔黑彦-色其格-其其格、老来少,为苋科青葙属一年生草本植物,原产印度,中国国内分布大部分地区,广布于温暖地区,多生长于炎热而干燥土壤。

鸡冠花是一种一年生草本植物,全株无毛,高约20-90厘米。茎直立,粗壮,有纵棱,通常呈红色,不分枝或有分枝。叶卵形、卵状长圆形或披针形,单叶互生,先端长尖或渐尖,基部狭楔形,全缘,基生叶多为紫红色或红色,长约5-13厘米,宽约1.5-6厘米;叶柄长约3-5厘米。花为穗状花序,顶生,扁平肉质而肥厚,呈鸡冠状、卷冠状或羽毛状,上缘宽具纵折,密披绒毛状鳞片,下端渐狭,常残留扁平的茎,花序中部以下多花,极密生,花序上部的花多为不育花,花序下部的花仅一部分为发育花,花色多样,有紫、红、淡红、黄、橙或杂色,花序轴扁形,长约6-12厘米;大花序之下有数个较小的分枝,呈圆锥状矩圆形,表面羽毛状;小花苞片3枚,干膜质;花被片5枚,披针形或长圆状披针形,先端芒尖或渐尖, 干膜质而有光泽,宿存,长约5毫米;雄蕊5枚,花丝下部合生成杯状;子房上位,1室;花柱细长,长约2-3毫米;柱头2浅裂。果为胞果,卵形,成熟时盖裂,有2至数颗种子,包于宿存的花被内,长约3毫米。种子扁球形,黑色有光泽。

Celosia cristata [Celosia in Greek means burning] is a member of the genus Celosia, and is commonly known as cockscomb, since the flower looks like the head on a rooster (cock). It is called Chi Kuan in China. The plants are hardy and resistant to most diseases, and grow equally well indoors or out, though the perfect place is one with no shade and a well drained soil, as the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant is used frequently as an ornamental plant indoors. Their leaves and flowers can be used as vegetables. They are often grown as foods in India, Western Africa, and South America.

They are annual plants of tropical origin and are herbaceous meaning they lack a woody stem. They grow well in both humid and arid conditions, and their flowers can last for up to 8 weeks. A high number of seeds can be produced by each flower, up to 43,000 per ounce. The plant often grows up to 1 foot in height, though many are smaller. The leaves are either green or bronze/maroon, depending upon the cultivar. The flower can be broken into three parts: their spikes, plumes and crests vary from one another but have standard commonalities - they are usually brightly colored, usually red, yellow, pink, or orange, though other colors can be present. In some instances, a variety of colors are present in hybrids.

The plants are hardy and can be grown easily from the seeds. Since the plants are of tropic origin, they thrive in areas with tropical climate. However, they can also be grown in summer months in the colder climate. The plants being annual plants, grow for only about one fourth of a year. A soil temperature of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for growth. The plants are relatively easy to grow and care for having few insects that feed on them. Mites though are known to feed on the plants. The plants are also susceptible to leaf spotting, root rot and root strangulation. However the former two can be prevented by avoiding a damp soil and the latter by frequent weeding. Also wetting the leaf and flowers should be avoided as they can lead to fungal diseases.

Cultivars include 'Jewel box', 'Century mix', 'New Look', and 'Pink Castle'.

I didn't quite remember how I got to know this flower with its unique name and shape. There must be these in our neighborhood.